DENVER, Colo. -sbobet篮球,科罗拉多州的sbobet篮球,以及霍维尔·舒斯特律师事务所 & 戈德堡律师事务所(Goldberg LLP)今天代表边疆航空公司(Frontier Airlines)的四名女飞行员向平等就业机会委员会(Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)提起了歧视指控,称该公司的政策歧视女性,没有为怀孕和哺乳提供便利.

The pilots, who have collectively worked for Frontier for 35 years, assert that despite their dedication to their jobs, 航空公司未能满足她们的挤奶需求,这使得她们在重返工作岗位后很难继续母乳喂养孩子.

The pilots are Shannon Kiedrowski, who has worked for Frontier since 2002, Brandy Beck, who has worked there since 2003, and Erin Zielinski and Randi Freyer, who have worked there since 2013.

“我们热爱边疆航空公司飞行员的工作,我们不应该在工作和给孩子喂奶之间做出选择,” said Kiedrowski. “但由于缺乏适合怀孕和哺乳的设施, that is exactly the position each of us has been put in. 我们提起诉讼是因为没有女人应该经历我们所经历的.”

边境部队迫使怀孕的飞行员在预产期前休八到十周的无薪假, 允许最多120天的产假(全部无薪), 也没有做出任何调整,让正在哺乳的飞行员在返回工作岗位时能够吸母乳. 远离婴儿的妇女需要使用吸奶器来排出母乳,其时间表与婴儿的喂养时间表大致相同, or serious medical complications can result. 但飞行员的日程安排往往涉及长途飞行和一次可能持续数天的旅行, 所以他们需要有一个指定的地方,在飞机上和机场都可以抽水.

“Frontier的政策在结构层面上是歧视性的,需要改变,” said Galen Sherwin, senior staff attorney with the ACLU Women’s Rights Project. “如果边疆航空想要吸引和留住最合格的飞行员, 它必须认识到有孩子的飞行员的需求.”

这些指控声称,Frontier的政策违反了州和联邦法律中反对就业性别歧视的规定,因为他们对怀孕和哺乳的待遇不如其他疾病或残疾,对女性的影响不成比例. 他们还指控违反了《sbobet篮球》.

“Currently, only 6 percent of commercial pilots are women. 航空业的这些歧视性政策导致了这一极低的数字,” said Hannah Sholl, counsel at Holwell Shuster & Goldberg LLP. “我们希望Frontier采取必要措施,确保这些歧视性政策一劳永逸地结束.”

The women each assert that they sought information, support, and accommodations from Frontier, but were met with indifference or outright hostility.

  • 所有的女性都表示,由于航班安排,她们经常不得不推迟抽水, and that they suffered from pain and discomfort as a result.
  • Three of the women suffered from mastitis, an infection of the breast tissue, 这是由于Frontier公司的政策和做法不允许他们在足够规律的时间表上抽水.
  • One of the pilots, Kiedrowski, 在一名副驾驶抱怨她在飞机上使用吸奶器后受到纪律处分.
  • 其中一位名叫齐林斯基的母亲在母乳供应枯竭后不得不提前终止母乳喂养. 她还声称,她的主管无意中给她发了一封发给Frontier管理层的电子邮件,指责她在要求住宿后“引诱”他们,而她的工作邮箱在收到邮件后立即被突然切断.
  • 所有这些妇女都声称,由于在怀孕结束时被迫无薪休假,她们遭受了经济损失, 没有选择寻找一份临时工作,这将使他们获得一份薪水.

“Each of us tried to work with Frontier to find a solution, but unfortunately our efforts went nowhere,” said Beck, a first officer at Frontier since 2003. “因为边疆航空未能从政策层面解决母乳喂养飞行员的需求, 我们每个人都要自己解决这些问题.”

这些指控要求平等就业机会委员会(Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)要求边疆航空公司采取几项措施,为怀孕和哺乳的飞行员提供便利, including that Frontier provide women the option of taking a temporary alternative assignment that would permit them to continue working during pregnancy or breast-feeding; allow more than 120 days of unpaid  maternal leave to permit women to continue breast-feeding; designate places where a pilot who is breast-feeding can pump, including at airports Frontier uses; and allow pilots who are breast-feeding to pump on the aircraft when necessary.

在提出这些指控之前,sbobet篮球和霍维尔·舒斯特 & 戈德堡律师事务所致函Frontier,要求其改变政策,充分照顾怀孕和哺乳的飞行员, but Frontier never responded.

Today’s complaint is at:

For a blog by one of the pilots: