A portrait headshot of Deborah Richardson

For more than 30 years, 黛博拉·理查森(Deborah Richardson)领导非营利组织推进转型社会变革. She is currently Executive Director of the 利记sbobet, the 状态’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. She is the first African American to lead the 70-year-old Affiliate.  She has  served as Executive Vice President of the National Center for Civil and Human Rights (Atlanta) and Founding Director of its Inter国家 Human Trafficking Institute; Chief Program Officer, Women’s Funding Network (San Francisco); Chief Executive Officer, Atlanta Women’s Foundation; Founding Executive Director, Fulton County Juvenile Justice Fund (now YouthSpark); Director of Program Development and Evaluation, Fulton County Juvenile Court; Managing Director, National Black Arts Festival; and Branch Director, 菲利·惠特利女青年会.

作为开拓者, Richardson founded the Inter国家 Human Trafficking Institute of the National Center for Civil and Human Rights; created, 安琪拉的房子, 第一个安全屋, east of the Mississippi, for sexually exploited girls; and opened the first night shelter and transition home for unhoused women and children in Atlanta.

她早期的社会经济环境和父母的榜样影响了黛博拉对社会正义的承诺和道路. Raised in the historic African American middle-class community of Collier Heights, Deborah was surrounded by neighbors who were civil rights icons, 专业人士, and everyday folks as foot soldiers of the movement, 包括她的父母. “Based on what I experienced for the first fourteen years of my life, I thought all adults were “in the Movement.她自己的参与始于她的父母“自愿”让她成为亚特兰大公立学校第一批黑人学生中的一员. “Over the course of one weekend, 我的生活从一个有成年人和一辈子朋友的养育环境中被移到了一个直接或间接被排斥在外的地方. 每天我回到家,都恳求父母把我带回我的社区学校. 每一天, they had the same response “Deborah, 这与你无关, this is about something bigger than you.正是在这个基础上,理查森建立了一生的行动主义,致力于创建“亲爱的社区”:“一个所有人都能分享地球财富的全球愿景。. In the Beloved Community, 贫困, 饥饿, 无家可归是不能容忍的,因为人类尊严的国际标准是不允许的.” 

理查森是全国公认的识别和消除性别和种族不公正的专家. She testified before Congress, advised advocates and elected officials in creating, 制定, and implementing local, 状态, and federal 公共 policy reform. She was convenor of numerous multi-sector coalitions of grass top, 草根团体展示了她的信念,“为了推动社会变革, 受影响最大的群体, must have seat at the table.” During her first year as ACLU of Colorado’s Executive Director, 她发起了一系列全州范围的倾听之旅,名为“扩大正义的桌子”,以第一手了解科罗拉多州人关心的问题, and how 利记sbobet may address them. The data collected informs the Affiliate’s three-year strategic plan.

黛博拉是亚特兰大国家民权和人权中心(中心)的创始团队成员. 2014年开业, 该中心是唯一展示莫尔豪斯学院马丁·路德·金论文的公共机构, 互动展览展示了参与美国民权运动的日常人们的故事,并创造了一个足迹,继续为现代全球人权运动提供信息. 理查森领导了该中心1亿美元的筹资活动,并创建了社区外展活动, issue-based programming, 和激励的力量, The Center’s signature annual recognition of local, 国家, and global change agents. 往届获奖者包括:Estela Barnes de Carlotto, sherilyn Iffel, jonathan Greenblatt, Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Vernon Jordan, Kerry Kennedy, Hon. Andrew Young, Alina Diaz, Mari Copeny, and Dr. 丹尼斯轮奸后. In 2021, Deborah was the 2021 Power to Inspire recipient  

在该中心之下,理查森于2014年成立了国际人口贩运研究所(IHTI). 她致力于结束对儿童和青少年的性剥削和劳动剥削始于2000年,当时她担任富尔顿县少年法院项目发展主任. 她是最早将卖淫认定为全球性和地方性非法活动的倡导者之一,并领导了一个联盟,争取通过乔治亚州的第一个立法,将拉皮条和引诱儿童定为重罪. During her tenure at the Women’s Funding Network, 2010年,她在众议院司法委员会作证反对Craigslist成人服务网站, 是哪个公司每月能赚取3000多万美元的广告收入,并为出售未成年人从事非法性服务的网上交易提供便利.   Her testimony, among others led to the shut-down of the site. 

In preparation for the 2019 Super Bowl hosted in Atlanta, IHTI launched the “Human Traffick Proof the ATL” campaign. 德博拉召集了200多名代表私营企业的多部门利益相关者, 公共, 信仰, 以社区为基础的合作伙伴承诺执行一项三年战略,以解决解决弱势儿童社会经济状况的战略, and interrupt market demand for those buying and selling children for exploitation. In partnership with the Atlanta Super Bowl Host Committee, she coordinated efforts to train 50,000 volunteers to “learn something, 看到一些, do something” to end child and labor exploitation. 她还游说当地民选官员和亚特兰大大都会辖区的警察部门,对在体育赛事之前和期间与幼童进行性交易的买家实施诱捕和威慑逮捕. 

At the Women’s Funding Network, Richardson coordinated programmatic and funding investments, 宣传活动, and technical assistance to over 110 women’s funds on six continents. She oversaw over $20 million dollars in strategies advancing women economic security, ending violence against women, supporting women leadership, and developing emerging philanthropists. She chaired the planning and implementation of Salzburg Global Seminar, 465年会议, “明智的改变:投资于妇女和女童——利用慈善事业促进全球发展”领导妇女资助网络代表团参加了“妇女赋权国际研讨会”, Leadership Development, 国际和平, and Security in Monrovia Liberia, 埃伦·约翰逊·瑟利夫总统(利比里亚)和塔里亚·哈洛宁总统(芬兰)共同召集.

Deborah is a noted 公共 speaker and scholar-activist.  She delivered the commencement address for St. Mary’s College of California School of Graduate and Professional Studies and the University of Georgia School of Social Work; Keynote during the  Association for Women's Rights in Development ( AWID ) in Cape Town, South Africa; Lecturer in Education for Sustainability and Human Rights for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) at Kennesaw State University; and the Alonzo F. 和诺里斯·B. Herndon Human Rights Expert in Residence at Georgia State University Honors College. Richardson co-authored “Ending Sex Trafficking of Children in Atlanta”. 

对她的工作和对社会变革的承诺的认可包括许多奖项:激励的力量, National Center for Civil and Human Rights; Liberty Bell, Atlanta Bar Association; Grassroots Justice, Georgia Justice Project; Community Service, Spelman College 董事会 of Trustees; Unsung Hero, Atlanta Regional Commission; Beloved Community, Spelman College Social Justice Institute; Trailblazer, The Links Incorporated; Deborah Richardson Day Proclamation, Atlanta City Council; Pathbreaker, Shared Hope USA; Voice For Children, Georgia Voice for Children; and Lives of Commitment, Auburn Theological Seminary. 

Deborah is a doctoral candidate at Union Institute & University in Public Policy and Social Change, with specializations in Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and Women and Gender studies. 理查森拥有M学位.A. in Leadership (Organizational Development) from St. Mary’s College of California, a B.S. in Political Science with a minor in Women Studies from Georgia State University, 哈佛大学非营利部门绩效评估证书, John Kennedy School of Government. 
My mission is to leave the world better than I found it.